You Don't Have To Wait Until the First Day of the Week, Month, or Year To Pursue New Goals

I completed the first year of my doctoral program earlier this week, and I’m looking forward to the break from classes I’ll enjoy this summer. I also launched my coaching business and developed this website, this new website, which was much more challenging to navigate than my coursework this semester.

As I reflect on the last several months, I can see that I’ve made significant progress this year, though sometimes it’s hard to recognize amidst the work. When we have goals, we can measure our progress.

I believe everyone should have meaningful goals, and there’s still time between now and the end of the year to make progress. It’s not necessary to wait to start a goal until January 1st or next month or next Monday. Any day is perfect for getting started, so even though it’s almost Summer, I’m planning my goals for the month today.

Using PowerSheets over the last several years taught me to identify goals and outline the steps that lead to the habits, and I’ve experienced massive success in many of the areas I focused on throughout those years. I’ll start planning the second half of this year next month or so, and there’s still time to finish this month and this year strong.

I used to believe the lie that I had to start cultivating goals at a certain time of the month or year and that false belief led to a lack of growth and personal development. So, while I’d like to get back on track with my friends and have my monthly goals in place before the first of each month, the fact that I didn’t accomplish that this month will not keep me from getting started.

I’m launching a podcast soon, which means I have to learn how to use the technology required to bring it to life.

Do you have any goals for this month? If so, I’d love to hear about them! Now, I’ll get back to planning mine!


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When You Embrace Who You Are Instead of Comparing Yourself You'll Begin Thriving Instead of Striving